TA application for 2017/2018 classes available now – Apply by July 19!

On July 5, TA postings will be made available on MyConcordia. To view available positions, sign in to your account and find the link in the left sidebar menu. Alternatively, you can find the postings here as a word document.

Click here to view the Cinema TA Job Postings!

To apply for a TA posting, please submit your Concordia Transcript, a CV (which includes all your previous teaching and teaching assistant experience), and the application form available in the Cinema office or below! Scan the documents as a single pdf and title it with your last name and “TA FMST APP”. For example: “Smith, TA FMST APP”. Complete applications should be submitted electronically to gpa.cinema@concordia.ca by July 19, 2016 with the subject line: TA application 2017-2018

You can download the 2017-2018 TA application form online here: PDF | Word